New perspectives in the biosynthesis of lipids in plants
Göttingen, 13.12.2011
The MBM Science Bridge GmbH successfully negotiates agreement between Georg-August-University Göttingen and Bayer CropScience to optimize biosynthesis of lipids in plants.
Scientists at the Albrecht-von-Haller-Institute of Plant Sciences of the Georg-August-University of Göttingen developed an innovative method for the biosynthesis of lipids in plants. The plant lipids can be used as a renewable source of chemical compounds, in particular for the lubricants market. The technology transfer organisation of the Georg-August-University of Göttingen successfully negotiated an agreement with the international company Bayer CropScience for this invention.
The Georg-August-Universität Göttingen was founded in 1737 as a University of the Enlightenment and is internationally renowned for its great research tradition and remarkable spectrum of disciplines: 13 faculties, 120 study programmes, worldwide networks. Since 2003, the body legally responsible for the Georg-August-University of Göttingen has been a Foundation under Public Law.
The MBM ScienceBridge GmbH is a fully owned technology transfer organisation by the Georg-August-University of Göttingen and acts on behalf of nine research institutions in Lower Saxony as a technology transfer interface to companies around the world. The IP portfolio managed by MBM ScienceBridge covers innovation in the areas of Life Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Agriculture, Forestry and Medical Technologies.
Bayer CropScience, a subgroup of Bayer AG with annual sales of EUR 6.830 billion (2010), is one of the world’s leading innovative crop science companies in the areas of crop protection, non-agricultural pest control, seeds and traits. The company offers an outstanding range of products and extensive service backup for modern, sustainable agriculture and for non-agricultural applications. Bayer CropScience has a global workforce of 20,700 and is represented in more than 120 countries.