Members of the cooperative association of Universities, Universities for Applied Sciences and Research facilities in Lower Saxony
Since 2007, the MBM ScienceBridge is the technology transfer service provider for different Universities, Universities for Applied Sciences and Resaerch facilities in Lower Saxony:
Georg-August-University Göttingen Foundation
University Medical Center Göttingen
Leuphana University of Lüneburg
Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts
University of Veterinary Mediccine Hannover, Foundation
Additional Networks and Partners |
TransferAllianz |
Die TechnologieAllianz vereinigt Patent-, Verwertungs- und Technologietransfer-Agenturen in einem bundesweiten Netzwerk – ein flächendeckender Verbund, der über 200 wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen repräsentiert. Die TechnologieAllianz erschließt Unternehmen das gesamte Spektrum innovativer Forschungsergebnisse deutscher Hochschulen und außeruniversitärer Forschungsstätten.
Founded in 1998, the Measurement Valley association organizes the joint interests of three dozen regional companies and scientific institutions operating in the field of measurement technology.
A central goal of the association is to establish the brand “Measurement Valley” with its close connection to the university, scientific institutions and research facilities in Göttingen.