Patent application
If your employer has made use of your invention, he must file a patent application based on your invention declaration.
MBM ScienceBridge GmbH will coordinate this process on behalf of the higher education institutions and research facilities to which it attends.
First of all, a patent lawyer specialised in the respective field will be contracted to prepare the printed patent specification. Your assistance in the preparation of the printed patent specification will be required because you contribute the scientific know-how. The patent lawyer will usually draw up a draft patent on the basis of the information provided by you in your invention report and then discuss the draft patent with you and the responsible Patent Manager of MBM ScienceBridge GmbH. In this way, the description of the invention and its applications, the considerations concerning its commercialisation and patent law aspects will be included in the final printed patent specification.
The patent lawyer will then file it as a patent application. He will also monitor any time limits for an extension of the patent to cover various countries.
MBM ScienceBridge GmbH will remain the primary contact partner for you - the inventor – in this process. Our aim is to take the majority of the bureaucratic burden of such a process off your shoulders.