Physics and Technology & Software

STED principle for laser back ablation

STED principle for laser back ablation

This innovative approach combines the two known methods of Laser Induced Backside Wet Etching (LIBWE) and Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED) to realize laser based material modifications below the diffraction limit. This is especially useful for precision laser modifications of transparent materials.

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Figure correction of glass substrates

Figure correction of glass substrates

Unintentional deformation of optical substrates is a common issue in optics technology. The mechanical stress in thin films can have a deleterious effect on the quality of the optical components by deforming the underlying substrate. This patent describes a figure correction method bases on stresses induced by irradiation of glass substrates with an excimer laser.

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Preconnection element for the protection of hollow fibers

Preconnection element for the protection of hollow fibers

This invention is a further development to the flexible hollow fiber for pulse compression which was also developed at the Institut für Nanophotonik Göttingen e.V. (see Ref.: MM-2010-LLG). When laser light is coupled into hollow fibers, the problem often arises that parts of the light distribution can penetrate the thin wall (50-300 μm) and damage it by erosion/ablation/melting. This preconnection element provides a solution approach.

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Embedded flexible hollow fiber

Embedded flexible hollow fiber

The technology describes a method to fabricate a virtually ideal wave guide for spectral broadening and high damage threshold. This is achieved by embedding a flexible hollow fiber at ideal straightness in a stretched stat in a thermally conductive solid medium, combining high transmission and high robustness even when high laser powers are coupled in. It is an advancement to the flexible hollow fiber developed at the Institut für Nanophotonik Göttingen e.V. (see reference MM-2010-LLG).

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Efficient source of negative ions

Efficient source of negative ions

A novel device for the generation of negative ion beams by means of alkali metal sputtering is suggested, which exhibits superior performance characteristics. Its design enables a simple and cheap fabrication, while system maintenance is easy.

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X-ray target for generating x-ray radiation from waveguides

X-ray targets for generating x-ray radiation from a waveguide

These innovative multilayer x-ray targets allow the generation of x-ray radiation based on direct emission of spontaneous x-rays into waveguide modes. Photons are generated by electron impact onto a structured anode target, which is formed as an x-ray waveguide or waveguide array.

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Carbon PreForm - pre-prepared anode material

Carbon PreForm - pre-prepared anode material

Lithium-ion batteries represent the decisive component with regard to electromobility. Their electrical parameters significantly determine the range and performance of the electric vehicles. The present patented technology enables a process for preparing the anode material before producing the actual battery.

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On-chip solid-state Zn-air microbattery

On-chip solid-state Zn-air microbattery and method for its manufacture

A microimprint method for on-chip fabrication of Zn-air microbatteries is presented, which bypasses complications of catalyst incorporation on the chip at a target position and paves the way towards production of miniaturized, rechargeable energy sources.

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Optical Image Scanning Microscope

Optical Image Scanning Microscope

The invented method allows to perform high-resolution Image Scanning Microscopy (ISM) purely optically. Very few additional optical components are necessary and the method is suitable for upgrading existing microscopes. The method can also be applied to Two Photon Microscopy.

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Raman Refractometer Analyser Tool

Raman Refractometer Analyser Tool

The following invention represents a possibility to identify infusions when administered by an injection pump. The method involves a combination of Raman spectroscopy and refractometry. Both methods of analysis are based on instrumental analysis. Furthermore, algorithms are used for the evaluation which can be assigned to indirect hard modelling and statistics.

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